

Reconnect with your higher self
Revive your inner wisdom
Remember your purpose
Reignite your joy for life

Ahh, you're finally here...

However long it has taken you to realise you need space and time for yourself,

you are so welcome​

Whatever's bought you here, wherever you are at, you are so welcome


I'm Rachel and I help smart, beautiful, everyday exceptional women find themselves under all of

the layers of the roles that we carry


I've created this space for us because I know firsthand what it is to teeter at the brink.

When we don't have enough space we lose ourselves.

When we don't have enough space we forget who we are.

When we don't have enough space our dreams are suffocated.


Together we gather the fragmented parts of ourselves.

Parts that have been so starved of life force for so long that they've gone dormant.


Sooner or later most women if we're paying attention end up here.


There must be more to life...


Even if it looks great and glossy on the outside if it doesn't feel great and glossy on the inside

you're likely not feeling fulfilled.


Maybe you've built your life according to what you've been told is the right thing.

Maybe you've crafted your career to tick all the boxes.

Maybe you've worn the clothes, said the things, gone on the holidays and still you feel empty on the inside.


This space is for you to find yourself and figure out what's on your fulfilled life list

and you are so welcome 


If you're recognising yourself here let's talk

  • Reconnection is the foundation of my coaching approach. Reconnection to your true self so you can revive your inner guidance, regain your self belief and regather the courage and confidence to create a life that brings you joy.


  • Clarity

    It all starts by getting clarity on where you are, where you desire to be and what is holding you back from making that leap. We shine a light on the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back and reprogram them into ones that lift you up and support the amazingness that you are!

  • Connection

    Remembering who you truly are is the key to the next level of unfoldment. When we forget who we are we create lives that do not fit us. You will reconnect with your higher self and your inner guidance so you can create a life that truly fits and fulfils you

  • Confidence

    We root your confidence in who you truly are at a soul level so you can access self belief and self trust as you stand strong and step forward in creating the life and impact you know should be yours in this lifetime!


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